The Brick Wall

10000 S. Centennial Pkwy, Sandy City 10000 S. Centennial Pkwy, Sandy, UT, United States

This course is designed for the uniformed pro-active police officer looking to dive further into a disciplined approach to locating, identifying, and seizing contraband on our nation’s roadways. Drug Trafficking Organizations and Organized Criminal Enterprises use various methods to deter police presence, which includes various methods of transport. This course […]


Utah Case Law – Street Cop Training

10655 S Redwood Rd, South Jordan 10655 S Redwood Rd, South Jordan, UT, United States

The days of police officers relying on “what we’ve heard” and leaning on “we’ve always done it that way” are over! Police officers must know what the courts have deemed acceptable procedure in order to perform their duties in a constitutionally compliant manner in today’s modern policing. Having an in-depth […]


The Brick Wall: Stopping Crime On Our Roadways

10000 S. Centennial Pkwy, Sandy City 10000 S. Centennial Pkwy, Sandy, UT, United States

This course is designed for the pro-active police officer looking to expand their knowledge of criminal interdiction. The instructor has developed a program for both rookie and seasoned officers to better understand how Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTO’S) operate and how to best position yourself to win during a traffic stop. […]
