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5 Day (40 Hour) Basic Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Course

5 Day (40 Hour) Basic Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Course
NICP CPTED Professional Designation Qualifying Course
April 24 – 28, 2023

CPTED strategies are ideal for Law Enforcement Officers, Architects, City/Urban/Park Planners, City Managers, City Council Members, Landscape Architects, Security Consultants, Educators or anyone involved in designing neighborhoods, schools, downtowns, buildings, or revitalization efforts. It is an effective way of fighting crime and promoting business.

Cities and Counties throughout the country are adopting CPTED ordinances requiring site plan reviews with crime prevention in mind. Law enforcement officers who are specially trained in CPTED are now working closely with Planners, Architects, City Officials, and Educators to ensure the proper design of structures, schools, and neighborhoods. Participants will learn how the design and use of the environment can control human / criminal behavior and reduce the fear of crime. They will learn crime prevention through natural means. How natural access control and natural surveillance decrease the opportunity for crime. Participants will learn the different aspects of lighting and its effects on human behavior. Participants will work together on a site survey and provide a group presentation of their results utilizing CPTED strategies. They will learn the advantages of having a CPTED ordinance and how to construct and present it to lawmakers.

Basic CPTED Course Agenda

Day 1
8:30 – 9:00am Registration & Introductions
Introduction to CPTED
CPTED Definitions and Strategies
Lunch on your own
CPTED and the Design Process
“Design Out Crime” Program
Barriers: Real vs. Symbolic—Landscaping, Fencing, and Interior Walls

Day 2
Lighting for Safety and Security
Planning, Zoning, and CPTED
Lunch on your own
Planning, Zoning, and CPTED
“Designs For Walkable Neighborhoods”
Community Enrichment-Using Design Strategies (practical exercise 1)

Day 3
Traffic Calming & CPTED
Writing a CPTED Ordinance / Overlay Districts
Understanding Site Plans
Lunch on your own
Site Plan Review
Group Site Plan Review (practical exercise 2)
Group Site Plan Presentations
CPTED Around the Globe

Day 4
CPTED Report Writing
Sample Field Assessments
Preparation / Assignments / Field Assessments
Field Assessments (field exercise #1)
Lunch on your own
Field Assessments
In Class Preparation

Day 5
In Class Preparation
Class Presentations (practical exercise 3)
Lunch on your own
Class Presentations

All participants must work in a group to complete and present a graded CPTED Field Assessment. The groups will need to take pictures of their site and incorporate those pictures into a PowerPoint presentation. It is suggested that the participants bring a digital camera or camera phone along with any cables required to download the files to a laptop computer. Each group needs to have a laptop computer to create their PowerPoint presentation; if you have a laptop you can bring for your group to use it is recommended.


Bill Wann retired as a sergeant with the Sacramento (California) Police Department after over 23 years of service where he developed a reputation for collaborating with the community. Bill has been an instructor with the NICP since 2015.

At the Sacramento Police Department, Bill supervised the CPTED Unit for four years, applying CPTED principles to hundreds of development projects including a Major League Soccer stadium, a National Basketball Association arena, cannabis and alcohol-related businesses, residential and commercial subdivisions, high-rises, residential infill and mixed-use, critical infrastructure sites, parks, schools, places of worship, etc. In this role, Bill collaborated with other City departments as well as outside agencies, advocacy groups, neighborhood groups and developers. Additionally, Bill created partnerships with organizations to provide CPTED training to local public officials and private citizens.
Bill was a key member of the City of Sacramento team that wrote the ordinances and policies related to cannabis legalization. Bill reviewed approximately 200 cannabis business proposals for CPTED and other security concerns.

Bill’s other assignments at the Sacramento Police Department include the Impact Team, Alcoholic Beverage Control Unit, Tow Unit, Military Surplus Program, Professional Standards Unit, and the Bike Unit, with temporary assignments in the Crime Suppression Unit, Crime Analysis Unit, and Sexual Assault/Child Abuse Unit.
Bill has also been a Field Training Officer, Terrorism Liaison Officer, a member of the Peer Support Team and a member of the Sacramento Regional Incident Management Team. Bill has served as a member of the Use of Force Committee, Safety Committee, Uniform Committee, Liability Committee, and Shooting Review Committee.
As an instructor, Bill has developed and implemented standards-based curriculum content in the topics of CPTED, the management of public demonstrations, custody, property crimes, handling disputes, and information systems. Bill has presented at police and dispatch academies, in-service training, and to neighborhood and corporate groups.

Bill earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in Sociology and Criminal Justice from Chapman University, a Master of Science degree in Emergency Services Administration from California State University, Long Beach and a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. Bill is a graduate of the California POST Management Course and is also a graduate of Class 323 of the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute. Bill holds a CPTED Professional Designation from the National Institute of Crime Prevention. Bill is a Life Member of the California Narcotic Officers’ Association where he has served as Region II Vice Chair.

On Campus Hotel:

Marriott – Salt Lake City Marriott University Park use this link and promotional code U2U. Contact Trisha Koukoulias at 801-584-3317 or trisha.koukoulias@marriottslc.com for any questions or concerns with hotel reservations.

There are many additional hotels in the area; there is not a room block for a particular area hotel.