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Baer Solutions Patrol CQB

This course is designed for LE/Mil only
and will taught by SOF veterans Steve
Nguyen and Drew Estell.
The first day of the course will refine and
teach 1 man CQB, mechanics, sectors fo
fire, hallways, priorities of work, room
entry techniques based on the present
threat and more. Day 2 will train 2 man
tactics and apply the skills learned the
previous day with the additional officer as
part of a two man team. We being to
introduce non-threats and cognitive
stress. Day three will focus on applying
the new skills in force on force scenarios
as well as low light if able.
Military training and police training have
many similarities and also key
differences. The goal of this course is
refine the ability to engage a target
accurately, after it has been identified as
a threat, and to highlight the shared
tactics between the two professions.
This course is a custom POI for those
who protect our country and
communities and to enable them to
continue this task.