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Call Detail Record Data and Mapping – Basic Course

This training is ideal for investigators and prosecuting attorneys who want to learn the basics about the capabilities of call detail record data and how the data can help their cases. Attendees will learn how to obtain call detail records from the major cellphone carriers, how to decipher the information contained in the records and how to use those records to further your investigative efforts. You will also learn how to obtain the proper files for location mapping and which file types are ideal for mapping purposes from various mediums, such as cell phone records, social media records, GPS units, etc. You will be shown how location maps are created and be familiarized with software used to create these maps.

This training will focus on identifying information that can be derived from call detail records and the capabilities of the mapping software so you have a reasonable expectation of what the technology can and can’t do. We will also go over how to interpret records, prepare for court, create exhibits, and help explain call detail records and cell mapping to juries. Class will be capped at 35 attendees.

To register, please call the presenter, Lt. Chris Kotrodimos, at 385-468-7595, or email at ckotrodimos@slco.org You may also contact DDA Nathaniel Sanders at 385-468-7678 or nsanders@slco.org