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Crime Scene Reconstruction I Course
Class Schedule
Purpose: A course of instruction designed for investigators, crime scene technicians, forensic technicians, and others involved in criminal and medical-legal investigations and crime scene analysis. The course is intended to develop a fundamental knowledge of appropriate hypothesis development and testing procedures and provide an objective form of defining the events associated with a complex crime (Event Analysis). The course syllabus is not intended to create an “instant” expert. This course is not a crime scene processing course.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student should:
 Demonstrate knowledge of the development, history and advancement of crime scene analysis.
 Identify the steps of scientific method.
 Identify the seven steps of the methodology used in crime scene analysis.
 Demonstrate the ability to develop a hypothesis in a written format and set an objective foundation for any ultimate conclusion.
 Demonstrate the ability to objectively flow chart an incident, distinguishing relative chronology from absolute chronology.
 Demonstrate an ability to evaluate a complex crime scene.
Day One
0800 – 0900 Registration and Introduction.
0900 – 1000 History of Crime Scene Reconstruction. Lecture on the history of crime scene reconstruction and analysis.
1000 – 1130 Introduction to Crime Scene Analysis. Lecture outlining the basic objectives and purpose behind crime scene analysis and reconstruction.
1300 – 1430 Fundamental Aspects of CSR. A lecture outlining the theory and principles behind CSR and the use of basic scientific method to resolve issues encountered in complex crime scenes.
1430 – 1530 7 Step Event Analysis Methodology. A lecture introducing the 7 step Event Analysis methodology used to define event segments and their sequence for an incident.
1530 – 1630 Hess Case Presentation
Day Two
Appendix A
Appendix A CSR I 2
0800 – 1000 Worksheet Introduction and Event Segment Worksheet Practical. Lecture on the use of worksheets and a group practical using the Event Segment Worksheet.
1000 – 1130 Worksheet Practical – Hines Case
1230 – 1430 Wuertz Case Presentation
1430 – 1500 Direct/Circumstantial Practical. A practical involving the Wuertz case presentation, requiring students to separate objective data from subjective data.
1500 – 1630 Flow Charting. A lecture outlining the use of flow charts to establish the relative chronology of an event. This is followed by a practical involving the previous case presentation.
Day Three
0800 – 1000 Routier Case Presentation. A multi-victim homicide crime scene is presented followed by a discussion of the use of crime scene analysis in resolving specific scene issues.
1100 – 1530 Case Practical. Each student independently develops a conclusion and creates a written foundation for actual case related crime scene issues, which are then discussed as a class. (Two to three practical scenes as time permits).
1530 – 1630 Report Writing and Demonstrative Evidence. A lecture outlining the basic elements of the crime scene analysis report and the use of demonstrative evidence to support the conclusions.
Day Four
0800 – 1700 Day Four Practical. This is a 1 ½ day group practical in which students evaluate all of the case documentation from a complex crime scene (2 victims, 2 suspects, four weapons) and attempt to resolve two specific investigative questions and create a flow chart of the event.
Appendix A
Appendix A CSR I 3
Day Five
0800 – 1200 Day Four Practical continues.
1300 – 1600 Group Presentations. Each student group presents their conclusions from the case and explains their flow chart. They then defend their conclusions in front of the instructors and class.