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Criminal Investigations Using Cellular Technologies

The 40 Hour Cellular Investigations Course is open to any sworn investigator, crime analyst or fugitive operator
possessing fundamental knowledge of call detail records, and who wants to advance their proficiency utilizing call
detail record meta-data for successful investigations and trial presentations.
This course provides motivated investigators comprehensive training in the evidentiary value of call detail records
and geolocation data. The course syllabus incorporates several case studies for attendees to investigate using meta
data from each major provider and other sources of geolocation information. The case study workshops allow
students to experience the process of investigating call detail records from beginning to end, instilling knowledge
and confidence to build a final case they can effectively testify to in court. This course is constantly evolving to keep
up with the ever-changing world of cellular technology. This 40-Hour course focuses on best investigative practices
and is a pre-requisite to the Subject Matter Expert Certification Course.
Students are required to bring laptops with Microsoft Excel and Google Earth PRO pre-installed. Students will
be required to work with call detail records and geolocation information throughout the course. Students are
encouraged to review these applications and have a basic understanding of them prior to class. This course is
designed to use lecture, case studies and practical workshops to demonstrate and teach investigative techniques.