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Field Training Officer–Basic Certification Course (Savage Training Group) (7 day)

Most agencies struggle with hiring and retaining quality recruits. Having well trained FTOs can make the difference between recruits successfully passing the Field Training Program or not. Most agencies talk about the FTO being one of the most important positions in the department, but then don’t put much thought into the specifics of the training course they attend. They simply find an FTO course that has an opening for their FTO to attend and wait for them to come back with a certification. Unfortunately, some of the FTOs we polled didn’t feel adequately prepared by the certification course they attended. Consider what happens when an unprepared FTO is paired up with a struggling trainee? You invest a lot of time and money into hiring a recruit, and your FTOs are responsible for getting those recruits through the Field Training Program. Their ability to teach, evaluate and document can make all the difference, especially when it comes to remediating a struggling recruit. Your FTOs are preparing your new officers to be the future of your department so FTOs need the proper training to do so. • We use only expert level instructors to get the students thinking critically. The instructors show the students how to teach from Day 1. Our experts make your FTOs experts! • Students practice evaluating live role players so they graduate ready for the real thing. • They learn specifically how to apply the Standard Evaluation Guidelines (i.e. what number to rate the trainee). They receive examples of good and bad performance reports. They really get to know what to write and what to avoid for liability reasons. • They receive hands-on practice and personalized feedback after writing several Daily Observation Reports and Remedial Training Plans. • The students learn how to mentor and counsel a wide variety of trainees in the top 10 situations they will be most likely to encounter.