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First Line Supervision and Management Training

Instructor: George Perez, is an active law enforcement executive within the eight largest police
agency in the country. He has served the community of Miami-Dade, Florida for over 22 years as a
police professional. George has risen through the ranks of his department and has worked and
commanded the Internal Affairs unit which consists of administrative, criminal, and public corruption
sections. His experience has also included overseeing compliance for the department, which includes
the training institute, legal bureau, employee wellness, cyber investigations sections as well as
jail/police accountability operations. George is also routinely responsible for instructing internal affairs
investigations for the State of Florida.
He possesses a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Management and enjoys a robust
professional and practical background in law enforcement management and criminal investigations.
His knowledge and experience is derived from assignments, which have included police services,
general and major crimes investigations such as Person and Property investigations, Internal Affairs,
Robbery, Homicide, and executive leadership training programs.
George is a bilingual instructor and is sought after to instruct several investigative and command level
subjects. He utilizes a dynamic approach to instruction that includes student participation and critical
thinking problem solving methods relative to today’s law enforcement professional. As an active law
enforcement officer, George understands the operational realities and demands of today’s police
Course Overview:
This course is designed for law enforcement personnel anticipating being promoted to a supervisory
position or having recently been promoted. The course is designed to introduce personnel to critical
thinking disciplines regularly expected of supervisors to respond to and manage. The critical thinking
areas are best practices and common expectations of supervisory personnel. Attending first line
supervisor and managerial training is a critical step in becoming an effective supervisor.
The course is designed to enhance supervisory techniques through the course objectives explained
below, which include officer wellbeing, squad management, scene management, evaluation of
personnel, use of force preparation, complaint processing and their related investigative roles, as well
as grant writing, and review and preparation of crime reduction initiatives. The students will review and
apply the learned competencies in a classroom setting. Students completing the training program will
receive a First Line Supervision and Management Training certificate important to attain as a
professional law enforcement supervisor.