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Getting To The Truth; Detecting Deception and Latent Content (3 day)

Three days of cutting-edge training that works! This course will give you the tools to Get to The Truth quicker. You will be able to laser focus your investigations and come to a quicker case resolve. You will recognize critical information that you have previously been missing; critical information hiding in plain sight! This course is also the foundation for a successful Analytical Interview; removing the guess work from the interview and recognizing if and how deception is present, and much more! Using the subject’s own words, you will be able to laser focus your interview questions, obtain more information, and more confessions. Learn the psychological and linguistic principles behind the subject’s chosen words. • Is the language based on experiential memory? • Is the subject psychologically in their own statement? • Are they giving Reliable or Un-reliable denials? From the subject’s own words: • Determine what occurred and when it occurred. • Recognize where they purposely skipped over information within their language. • Identify where to focus questions during the interview. • Obtain information the subject has unknowingly revealed. • Identify what part of the language is unnecessary and why it is so important. • Recognize major personality traits revealed in the subject’s words. Students will be taught how to obtain a “pure,” uncontaminated statement. “I’ve taken some excellent classes during my career, but Hands-down this is the best! I’ve served in law enforcement for over 30 years, and I have prior experience and training in Linguistic Statement Analysis. I found the Truth2Lies training to be the single greatest asset to my work as an Investigator. Truth2Lies goes beyond the others. They provide clear and effective methods for getting to the truth quickly in the investigation. This class takes the guess work out of the interview, utilizing cutting edge techniques to acquire solid, indisputable admissions and confessions.” R. Smith – Federal Investigator and Former Chief of Police