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Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

The Utah Organized Retail Crime Association is happy to provide an open source training, hosted by special guest Sean Smith.

Sean Smith recently retired after over 28 years with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office. Since 2006 he had been assigned as a Detective to the Sacramento Valley Hi Tech Crimes Task Force, investigating such cybercrimes as online child enticement, child pornography, online fraud, business email compromises, online threats, identity theft, organized retail crime, and dark web narcotics vendors/cryptocurrency seizures. In addition to his investigative responsibilities, he also conducted digital evidence examinations on mobile devices, computers, digital storage devices and internet websites.

In all aspects of our cases, open source intelligence is more important than ever, and an individual’s online presence typically leaves behind bread crumbs which are often crucial. This presentation will offer investigators online resources, open source tools, tips and methodologies to aid in identifying suspects, tying them to their criminal acts, and
reaching a successful outcome in their investigation.

We hope to see you there!