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Sexual Deviant Killers (1 day)

Course Objectives This course offers extensive examination into the minds of convicted serial murderers and violent sex offenders, whose primary motive is sex-related and who predominantly target women and children. The instructor’s post-secondary educational background and credentials, hands-on investigative research and years of practice trudging through the dark minds of the most unusual, violent, and deranged individuals makes this course unique. Case samples and various crime scene photos that depict multifarious featu res of abnormal sexual pathology will be utilized along with offender psychosocial histories and backgrounds will be presented an d analyzed. The goal is to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of fantasy facilitators, examining the killers’ signature. Violent sex offender behaviors and etiologies will be studied with the goal of identifying warning signs, interviewing suspects, increasing effectiveness in search warrants and greater case preparation from inception to case closure. Although, extremely informative, due to its explicit nature this course is not intended for everyone and is primarily designed for those working in law enforcement, corrections, probation and parole that provides a glance into the darkest corners of humanity