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Tell Your Story: Strategic Media and Social Media Practices for Command Staff & PIOs

The most successful law enforcement agencies are using public messaging proactively to
build positive relationships with their communities long before any crisis strikes. Designed
for PIOs and leaders who oversee the public message, this fast-paced, engaging day of
training takes students through the use of social media strategies to tell their agency’s
story and interacting with the traditional media to amplify their message. Topics include:

· Understanding Legal Considerations for Government Social Media
· Recognizing Good News Stories That Resonate
· Proven Social Media Strategies
· Navigating Negativity
· Building Mutually Beneficial Relationships with the Media
· On-Camera: How to Prepare for When the Media Arrives
· Practical Exercises

Telling your agency’s good news story benefits the agency and the community it serves.
Spend a day learning from two instructors who have proven success managing social
media and media relations to build trust through engagement.