Find’em, Hire’em, Keep’em: Why Culture Counts

Sandy City Police Department 10000 South Centennial Parkway, Sandy

Across the nation, police agencies are dealing with declining numbers of applicants and alarming turnover rates. Finding, hiring and retaining desirable personnel is becoming more and more difficult for agencies. Today’s employees are shopping for the best “deal” while also looking for agencies with the right culture and opportunities. This […]


Street Survival Seminar by Calibre Press

128 North 100 East (Joseph D. Adams Public Safety Building), Lehi 128 North 100 East, Lehi

Today’s Street Survival® Seminar addresses law enforcement as the multi-faceted profession it has become. Rather than limiting our focus to just surviving deadly threats, we also discuss the need to prepare officers for making sound, legal, and reasonable decisions under stress in order to preserve the lives of citizens as […]
